Barrington Giving Day
Who we are

Barrington Giving Day, a 501c3 Non-Profit organization, has been serving the Barrington community for over 80 years. Created originally under the Barrington Salvation Army, our mission has always been to serve families in need in our community. As the needs of our community continued, Church Women United was formed and a community food pantry was established. Church Women United combined their efforts with the Salvation Army and distributed boxes of food. This event was later expanded to include warm clothing and toys. Over the years the event evolved and in 2005 Barrington Giving Day was formed to continue the mission.
Over 900 families, including more than 1700 children in the Barrington area are in need of help. Some are even homeless. Barrington Giving Day, a 501c3 Non-Profit organization, benefits families who either qualify for the Free AND Reduced Meal Program through Barrington Community Unit District 220 or have been hit by unexpected hardships. Most people don’t realize that the school district includes Barrington, Carpentersville, Hoffman Estates, Fox River Grove, Deer Park, Tower Lakes, North Barrington, Lake Barrington, Port Barrington, and South Barrington.
Barrington Giving Day hosts three events each year. The Winter Event is held in December and hosted by Barrington Middle School – Station Campus. Coats, snow pants, boots, hats/gloves, food, blankets, books, toys, household paper products, personal care products, baby products, and more are available for families. The Back to School Event is hosted at St. Matthew Lutheran Church. At this event families can select gym shoes, clothing, backpacks, school supplies, headphones, and other much needed items for their children in order to have a successful start to their school year. In 2021, BGD launched the first Spring Event to provide boxes of non-perishable food to help families with food insecurity over the summer months as well as books to support summer reading. Shoes, clothing, and more are also offered.
As a way to help families and businesses that were impacted by the pandemic, Barrington Giving Day created a “Home Delivery” program. Funded by sponsors and a grant from Barrington Area Community Foundation, BGD provided 12 weeks of Home Deliveries to 420 families including Family Meals prepared by local restaurants, Essential Relief Kits, and Non-Perishable Pantry Goods.
Barrington Giving Day is also available throughout the year to provide support to families and children experiencing homelessness or other dire needs. Working together, BGD and 220 are able to help these individuals on short notice and reduce the burden they are experiencing.
Despite the amazing efforts of Barrington Giving Day, the children in our community still need our help! Please visit to make a donation, become a sponsor, get involved, or for more information. Your support will make a difference in a child’s life.